Mexican low fire-terracotta hand painted and glazed bowls, 1950's-60's. There's a simplicity and economy evident in how these are thrown and painted (folk production pottery), they all have the stilt points from their stacking in the kiln, minimal trimming and clean up. Beautiful. Found at PCC yesterday.
Lovely ethnic collection. The distinctive nature of these clay bowls is too strong to deny. A nice peek into a different culture and tradition.
really beautiful!
lucky domingo
those are unreal- especially like the those last bottom two...
gosh, they are so, so beautiful.
this PCC market you regularly update from looks very awesome. jealous! not sure camberwell market would be up to scratch. but the monthly kitano tenmangu and toji markets in kyoto i think PCC lovers would also love!
I have a soft spot for Camberwell market, I lived there for 3 years and it was my sunday morning ritual in the early-mid 90's-I found some great stuff there, I always heard stories of old guys at 5 am with flashlights and headlamps, and now I'm one of those guys! The PCC is similar but maybe twice the size, like any flea you just have to turn up early-find your favorite sellers and get some kind of route/rhythm sorted.
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