
Get Out Of My Dreams/Get Into My Car.
~my greatest/latest hits from Unchanging Window.
*that red car has strayed WAY to far from Los Angeles.

I found this note on the back of a sketch book this week, circa 1988...our uncle would travel to the states on business trips and on our request-reluctantly-pick up what were then expensive items in the colonies. He was calling our Mom because he was about to go to Rip City Skates and I wrote this down so she could put my order in.
boys to men,
the do a bit posse,
Grabner: Perhaps that is why I have been spending a lot of time thinking about the necessity for creating a studio scenario built on situational boredom. I am finding confidence in David Foster Wallace’s belief in boredom as a necessary human condition. Of course I am not talking about the crippling, existential kind, but boredom that recontours our relationship to time and social networking, a condition absent of distraction, or as Dave Hickey puts it, absent of static. I am interested in how ideas emerge, grow, and sustain themselves within this condition. Positive boredom is contentment. I am positively content in the studio but endlessly unnerved and anxious in my other work.
~Taken from Barry Schwabsky's awesome interview with Michelle Grabner in The Brooklyn Rail.
~you need to read it.
right on,
the do a bit posse,
|/\| \/

Wild shrimping in the West...Jr knifewing bolo (scone dipper) + tenugui kerchief.
Mamma's don't let yer babies grow up to be Cowboys.
lost weekend,
the do a bit posse,

Zuni Knifewing's~
//top-Alonzo Hustito mosaic overlay bolo c. 1940's, this one has been riding collar the past few weeks-the finer nature to the inlay (given it's size) and the larger stamped silver surround- along with the separate striped fan form below the kilt make this a great piece.
//Unidentifed (flying) knifewing pin c. 1950's, I liked how simple this one was, and also the faded color of the stonework.
//Tiny knifewing figure ring, set into jet background, whilst this could be John Gordon Leak, the figure seems like it's having too much fun, too animated, possibly David Tsikewa (due to the long eyes and raised wings).
//Dan Simplicio knifewing pendant, again set into jet background with snake eye turquoise border c. 1940's, similar to Leak but more details such as the multi piece wings and striped diagonal cornmeal pouch.
//Knifewing bolo, possibly Frank Vacit c. 1940's-50's, the colors are neat here, and the rain cloud formed headdress.
*again Toshio Sei's book is the best source of information on all this jazz.
native american,
Bolo Chamber?

Nice bolo/spice/key/pill cabinet at the PCC today-rustic-riscay-leather hinges.
*It kinda looks like a Matt Connors / Matt Paweski collabo ;-o.

Big Bad Wolf Kachina Bolo-signed Virgil and Shirley Benn on reverse with Bennett Pat Pend C-31 stamp on clasp-this could be late 60's but more likely a 70's piece~I like this guy, tight work- the variation within the tortoise shell, the coral tongue, the turquoise dot inlay into the jet and also the relief lines carved into the moccasins and clothing.
*Virgil is Tewa and Shirley is Hopi, her mother is the famous Hopi potter/artist Daisy Hooee Nampeyo who for a period was married to Leo Poblano-Shirley grew up in Zuni and was no doubt exposed to some incredible lapidary work from a young age. Daisy Hooee's story is interesting-Anita Baldwin who had seen her work as a teen-funded a necessary eye surgery and subsequent art education in Pasadena and Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris-she is recognized as introducing relief carving techniques to Poblano and other zuni jewelers following her return to the South West. I know-long story-to make it Longer you can read about Daisy's mother Nampeyo-here.
year of the bolo,
Shoes Like Pottery

Moonstar/Shoes Like Pottery~hand made in japan, the canvas and rubber quality of these shoes is nuts, the rubber is baked onto the shoe in a kiln (Hamada Vans ;-0). A friend wrangled me a pair of these and they own my feet-better than a time machine pair of converse. The retail Wizards at South Willard have Moonstar cargo as of this week.
U.S relatives here.
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