We inherited what was billed as a few boxes of classical records from our neighbors today~ some very welcome curve balls among them...I wish Phil Spector had produced every Ramones album and I wish graphic designs spent more time looking at Folkways LP's. Plays in the Canyon/Stays in the Canyon.
That Leadbelly box is a beautiful album.
End of the Century became a horror story for the band. They hated everything about it and were literally forced to do vocal takes at gun point. Spector's descent into manic paranoia was already well underway.
phil-thrue that!
I read that Spector originally wanted to work just with Dee Dee on a solo record-envisioning the union of his vocals with the wall of sound (yikes if only)
loving this album kind of dilutes your status as a Ramones fan-which i'm ok with....all these crazy recording stories, many of which take place in Los Angeles-Manson threatening to kill Brin Wilson with a sharpened pencil etc make for good psych lore. Albums that register more as an aberration than an indication of a bands recorded intention alway interest me....
the wikipedia entry for End of the Century has a good summary.
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